Physical Education
The Ministry of Education now supports the inclusion of more than one physical and health education credit per school year. The Physical and Health Education Department at Stamford Collegiate doesn’t take your child’s health and fitness lightly therefore we are pleased to offer a large variety of programs designed to cater to the needs of all students. The emphasis on leading a healthy, active lifestyle is at the forefront of all of our classes. We provide specialty or focus courses in cross fitness & cardio fit as well as the multi sport or activity based courses. Parents are encouraged to make contact with any of the Phys. Ed Department if they have general or specific concerns regarding their child and their program.
All students are encouraged to include at least one physical and health education course into their yearly course load as :
A strong, positive correlation exists between physical activity and academic performance
Physical fitness promotes positive self image
Improved fitness levels increase overall energy levels
Sound body = sound mind
All physical and health education students are required to wear Stamford athletic clothing while using the gymnasium, fitness centre and Cage (Cross Fitness Centre). Stamford Phys.Ed. or Fitness shirts may be purchased at registration (August) or during the school year from the phys ed department office. The cost is $10 a shirt and $15 respectively.
Our fitness centre is stocked with some of the best fitness equipment available. It is open at lunch and after school for those students who wish to purchase a membership, $35/semester or $60 for the whole school year. Stamford athletic attire must be worn when using this facility.
The goals of Physical Education and Healthy Active Living at Stamford Collegiate are:
To promote a life-long interest and commitment to health and personal fitness
To provide the essential physical activity which stimulates mind, body and spirit
To develop a positive self image through activity and teamwork
To provide knowledge of major health and social issues
To encourage physical literacy with regard to correct technique and tactics involved in all movement education- games, team and individual sports
Courses Offered
Stamford Physical Education offers the following courses:
PPL - Open level Physical Education offered grade 9 through 12. In grade 9 and 10 these courses are single gender. They are co-educational in grades 11 and 12
PAF - An open level Cross Fitness course focusing on strength training and explosive power. Available as a coed course in grades 9 through 12.
PAR - An open level fitness course focusing on cardio fitness. Available as a coed course in grades 10 through 12.
PSK 4U - A grade 12 university level course on kinesiology and anatomy.
Jaymi Edwards(Program Leader)
Jamie Clarke
Brad Martin
Joanne Zizian