Stamford Collegiate Clubs include:
- Anime Club (Mr. Rysdale)
- Ceramics Club (Ms. Turcotte)
- Chess Club (Mr. DiGaetano)
- Choir (Ms. Enns)
- Concert Band (Ms. Enns)
- Cosmetology Club (Ms. DiGaetano)
- Dance Team (Ms. Menotti)
- Drama Club (Ms. Menotti & Mr. McTavish)
- Eco Freaks (Mrs. McBurney and Mr. Serbina)
- Green Hornets (Mr. Tenhoeve)
- Mock Trial Team (Mrs. Fongsamouth)
- Native Studies (Mr. Howe)
- Table-Top Games (Ms. Plato)
- White Pine Reading Club (Mrs. Fongsamouth)
- Woodworking Club (Mr. Vadja)
- Yearbook (Ms. Turcotte)
Although all of the above clubs build leadership skills, the following groups specifically involve learning to be a leader within the student body and the community as a whole:
- Athletic Council (Ms. Zizian)
- Arts Council (Ms. Menotti)
- The Cappies (Mrs. Fongsamouth)
- Rotary Club (Mrs. Lundy)
- Student Ambassadors
- Student Council (Ms. McBurney)
If there is a club you want to form—all you have to do is present the idea to the administrators and we’ll see if we can get it started!