Special Education Department
Supports students with empathy and patience to foster their educational and personal potential, while:
- Providing a positive learning environment
- Promoting self-confidence
- Fostering independence
Special Education Staff:
Deidre Beam -- Education Assistant
Paula Chiasson -- Educational Assistant
Jamie Clarke -- Special Education Resource Teacher
Lindsay Dezeeuw -- Education Assistant
Marie Kowalczyk -- Education Assistant
Ken Kuronen -- Education Assistant
Jewel MacArthur -- Education Assistant
Michelle Osborne - Special Education Program Leader
Sandie Patterson -- Educational Assistant
Lisa Sherren -- Education Assistant
Paula Skrok - Special Education Resource Teacher and Secondary School To Community Program Leader
Most students will be successful by attending school regularly, focusing on lessons, having good homework/study skills and taking courses at the appropriate level of difficulty. However, some students have more complex learning needs and require accommodations in order to achieve success.
Individual Education Plan (IEP)
- Each student will be assigned to one of our teachers who will review and update your child's IEP
- This IEP will be made available to each of the teachers on your child's timetable.
- Your input into the development of the IEP will continue and you will receive a copy of any changes throughout the school year.
Identification Placement Review Committee (IPRC):
It is important to remember that the IPRC process continues once your child enters high school.
- The exceptional student's identification will be reviewed yearly and parents are invited to attend their child's IPRC meeting.
- If a parent continues to agree with his/her child's identification and placement, he/she has the option of dispensing with the IPRC for the current school year. In this case, the IPRC meeting will not take place and the current identification and accommodations will not change.
- All students who are identified through an IPRC in the District School Board of Niagara will receive the support of a Special Education Resource Teacher.
The Resource Room at Stamford:
A SERT is assigned to the Resource Room to assist exceptional students with their daily work.
- The Resource Room can also be used to complete tests, exams and EQAO assessments.
- The Resource Room is open every period of the day
- Accommodations made during testing, for exceptional students who require them, include: additional time, use of assistive technology, verbatim scribing, etc.
Special Education Resource Teachers (SERTs):
Will monitor your child's progress and consult with teachers to address any concerns.
Will serve as the exceptional student's primary contact when more support is needed.
Will ensure that accommodations are in place for daily instruction, assessment and EQAO testing.
Will advocate for the student when required.
Special Education Time lines:
Late August to mid October
IEPs developed for the school year and distributed to teachers and parents.
September to June
IPRCs are scheduled.
February to March
IEPs are updated for semester 2.
Only altered pages (if any) will be mailed home at this time.
Please feel free to call us any time to discuss your student's progress and/or IEP.
Helpful Links:
Autism Niagara
Government of Canada Social Links
Bethesda Services
Contact Niagara
Mental Health Niagara
Pathstone Mental Health