(905) 354-7409 5775 Drummond Road, Niagara Falls, L2G 4L2
Stamford Football

Stamford Football has started up again.
Our coach for Football is Mr. Martin.

The football season runs from September to mid-November - with practices running every day after school and most games on Friday.

2018 Schedule

October 11 - Stamford/Westlane (@ Kalar Road) against Centennial - 5pm (Jr) & 7pm (Tier 1)

October 18 - Stamford/Westlane @ Eden High School - 1pm (Jr)

October 19 - Stamford/Westlane (@ Stamford) vs. Sir Winston Churchill - 12:30pm (Tier 1)

October 26 - Stamford/Westlane (@ Kalar Road) against Greater Fort Erie - 3pm

November 2 - Championship - Stamford/Westlane @ AN Myer - 5pm


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