Stamford Football
Stamford Football has started up again.
Our coach for Football is Mr. Martin.
The football season runs from September to mid-November - with practices running every day after school and most games on Friday.
2018 Schedule
October 11 - Stamford/Westlane (@ Kalar Road) against Centennial - 5pm (Jr) & 7pm (Tier 1)
October 18 - Stamford/Westlane @ Eden High School - 1pm (Jr)
October 19 - Stamford/Westlane (@ Stamford) vs. Sir Winston Churchill - 12:30pm (Tier 1)
October 26 - Stamford/Westlane (@ Kalar Road) against Greater Fort Erie - 3pm
November 2 - Championship - Stamford/Westlane @ AN Myer - 5pm