Stamford Literacy Buzz
This year’s administration of the Grade 10 Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT) will occur on Wednesday, March 27th, and will require most of the day to complete.
Leading up to the test, Stamford does a number of exciting literacy initiatives to support on-going literacy improvement for all our students. During their MSIP classes, all students take part in literacy sessions that will help prepare them for what to expect on test day. The goal of these sessions is to relieve student anxiety about the test and help them achieve their best score on the test. The fun starts in September and happens every Wednesday until the end of the school year.
Please be reminded that successful completion of the OSSLT is a requirement to receive an Ontario Secondary School Diploma. Some students will be deferred writing for one school year to help better prepare them for writing in grade eleven; these students will be notified. If you are unsure, please feel free to contact the school for more information. All students are permitted extra time this year.
No cellphones are permitted to be with a student during the test. Room boxes are provided for the storage of cellphones.
We will have a modified schedule for our OSSLT writers on Wednesday, March 27th, as follows:
8:20 am – 8:45 am Meet in the cafeteria for breakfast
8:45 am Testing instructions in classrooms
9:00 am – 10:15 am Session A (75 minutes)
10:15 am – 10:30 am Nutritional Break – provided (15 minutes)*
10:30 am – 11:45 pm Session B (75 minutes)
11:45 pm – 12:00 pm Questionnaire
12:00 pm – 12:40 pm Lunch for writers*
12:40 pm – 1:20 pm Period 3 (shortened time) for writers
1:25 pm - 2:40 pm Period 4 (regular time) for writers
*Snacks and Lunch: Snacks will be delivered to writers at their assigned rooms.When writers finish Booklet 2, they may leave, have a 45 minute lunch (cafeteria only) and then return to their regularly scheduled classes.
GRADE 11 AND 12 STUDENTS who have successfully completed their OSSLT are still expected to attend school.
Buses will run as per their usual schedule.
Helpful Resources and More Information
EQAO releases previous tests along with answer sheets in order to provide parents and students with a chance to review the test and/or practice writing a test from home. Visit for more information and tips.
For your convenience, we've posted the materials from previous year's test below:

2015 OSSLT Sample Test Booklet 1
2015 OSSLT Sample Test Booklet 1 Answers
2015 OSSLT Sample Test Booklet 2
2015 OSSLT Sample Test Booklet 2 Answers
Another useful resource is the following YouTube video created by DSBN teachers. It's called "10 Tips for the OSSLT". Check it out now by clicking here!