(905) 354-7409 5775 Drummond Road, Niagara Falls, L2G 4L2

Take Your Kid to Work Day is quickly approaching

by User Not Found | Oct 23, 2014

Attention grade 9 students and parents.... "Take Your Kid to Work Day" is around the corner - Wednesday, November 5th.

Students - get your participation forms to your home-room teacher ASAP!

Take Our Kids to Work Day is a national program that allows all Grade 9 students the opportunity to explore future career options.The program has been going for more than 20 years.More than 1 000 000 students have participated in this program. It is a great opportunity for family bonding.However, if you cannot take your son or daughter to work with you consider arranging for them to go with a relative or family friend.Forms are due by October 31, 2014


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