User Not Found | Nov 21, 2014
It's Pink Shirt Day at Stamford on November 21, 2014 - but we're pink at heart everyday!
Stamford Collegiate is committed to creating a culture of academic excellence where our students feel welcomed and share in the belief that they are part of something great. To foster these values and honour our belief that students have the power to be change agents, we invited students to join our Safety Committee.
On September 18 and 19, 2014, twelve grade 10 and 11 students were trained as Certified Beyond the Hurt Youth Facilitators. Beyond the Hurt: Preventing Bullying & Harrassment is a Respect Ed bullying prevention program, sponsored by the Canadian Red Cross, that is centered on youth participation and creativity. It uses a comprehensive approach to prevention that empowers students, staff and school communities to create a safer learning environment for everyone. To learn more about the training our students received - visit Red Cross Beyond the Hurt Training.
These students were chosen to participate due to their exceptional leadership skills. The two day training explored the dynamics of bullying and bullying prevention. From this experience the students have taken their knowledge and created 7 workshops. The students, themselves, then recruited 16 more students to help with these presentations.
Stamford Collegiate is looking forward to offering these workshops to our Feeder Schools:
Healthy Relationships and Schools: where students explore how positive interactions and relationships can lead to a bully-free environment
Power Play: where students explore what power is and how to use it responsibly
Bullying: : to create a common language for speaking about bullying and the roles people may play in a bullying situation
Labels and Stereotypes: to define labeling and stereotypes while showing its limits
Impact of Bullying: exploring the impacts of bullying on all involved and how to develop empathy and increase the likelihood that students will stand up to bullying
Intervention and Prevention: to highlight the power that students have to intervene, identify actions students can take and help students commit to taking action